Jason Sauter was the winner of the seventh stop of the 2023-2024 Pop Whitten Pro Tour at Dual Lanes. Sauter qualified 11th with a six-game total of 883. He rolled 733 for the five-games in the division round going 4-1 and defeated Brandon Ball 168-126, Matt Anastasi 173-104, Cory Matheson 155-141, and Walt Brooks 168-119 to earn the $1550.00 first place prize and his “THIRD STAR”.
Other Tournament Highlights:
177 total entries
High qualifier was Logan Turner with 974 which was 194 pins over his 130 entering average.
High Pins Over Average qualifier with +109 was Molly Muise.
There was a tie for the final pins over average spot with +44. Mike Schaeffer defeated Rick Dasch Jr. 120-98 in the one-game roll-off.
High Game of the tournament was rolled by Zander Beddow with 235.
Other 200 games - Matt Anastasi 223, Jon Green 221, Abbey Schline 215, Logan Turner 215, Mike Turner 214, Chris Kennedy 207, Jeff Wetzel Sr. 203 & Walt Brooks 202.
500 sets - Logan Turner 512, Zander Beddow 513 & Matt Anastasi 505.
The 2024-2025 tournament is scheduled for April 18-20. |